# Set up packages for lecture. Don't worry about understanding this code, but
# make sure to run it if you're following along.
import numpy as np
import babypandas as bpd
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib_inline.backend_inline import set_matplotlib_formats
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import stats
import otter
np.set_printoptions(threshold=20, precision=2, suppress=True)
pd.set_option("display.max_rows", 7)
pd.set_option("display.max_columns", 8)
pd.set_option("display.precision", 2)
# Setup to start where we left off last time
keep_cols = ['business_name', 'inspection_date', 'inspection_score', 'risk_category', 'Neighborhoods', 'Zip Codes']
restaurants_full = bpd.read_csv('data/restaurants_full.csv').get(keep_cols)
bakeries = restaurants_full[restaurants_full.get('business_name').str.lower().str.contains('bake')]
bakeries = bakeries[bakeries.get('inspection_score') >= 0] # Keeping only the rows where we know the inspection score
# Animation
from IPython.display import IFrame, display
def show_clt_slides():
src = "https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vTcJd3U1H1KoXqBFcWGKFUPjZbeW4oiNZZLCFY8jqvSDsl4L1rRTg7980nPs1TGCAecYKUZxH5MZIBh/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000"
width = 960
height = 509
display(IFrame(src, width, height))
C:\Users\janin\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\scipy\__init__.py:146: UserWarning: A NumPy version >=1.16.5 and <1.23.0 is required for this version of SciPy (detected version 1.23.1 warnings.warn(f"A NumPy version >={np_minversion} and <{np_maxversion}"
Consider this population of bakeries in San Francisco.
business_name | inspection_date | inspection_score | risk_category | Neighborhoods | Zip Codes | |
327 | Le Marais Bakery Castro | 2018-08-06T00:00:00.000 | 90.0 | Moderate Risk | NaN | NaN |
365 | Pho Luen Fat Bakery & Restaurant | 2019-04-08T00:00:00.000 | 76.0 | Low Risk | NaN | NaN |
372 | Brioche Bakery & Cafe | 2019-01-31T00:00:00.000 | 88.0 | Low Risk | NaN | NaN |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
53954 | Fancy Wheatfield Bakery | 2019-03-04T00:00:00.000 | 83.0 | Moderate Risk | NaN | NaN |
54102 | New Hollywood Bakery & Restaurant | 2016-08-30T00:00:00.000 | 74.0 | High Risk | NaN | NaN |
54171 | Speciality's Cafe and Bakery | 2019-04-29T00:00:00.000 | 89.0 | Moderate Risk | NaN | NaN |
1216 rows × 6 columns
score_bins = np.arange(50, 102, 2)
bakeries.plot(kind='hist', y='inspection_score', density=True, bins=score_bins, ec='w', figsize=(10, 5),
title='Population Distribution');
For reference, the mean and standard deviation of the population distribution are calculated below.
count 1216.00 mean 84.20 std 8.35 ... 50% 86.00 75% 90.00 max 100.00 Name: inspection_score, Length: 8, dtype: float64
In this case we happen to have the inspection scores for all members of the population, but in reality we won't. So let's instead take a random sample of 200 bakeries from the population.
np.random.seed(23) # Ignore this
sample_of_bakeries = bakeries.sample(200) # SOLUTION
business_name | inspection_date | inspection_score | risk_category | Neighborhoods | Zip Codes | |
33359 | Universal Bakery Inc. | 2019-01-28T00:00:00.000 | 83.0 | Low Risk | 2.0 | 28859.0 |
19980 | Cherry Blossom Bakery 2 | 2016-06-28T00:00:00.000 | 90.0 | Moderate Risk | NaN | NaN |
29825 | Waterfront Bakery | 2018-06-07T00:00:00.000 | 94.0 | Low Risk | 32.0 | 308.0 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
4835 | Marla Bakery | 2018-09-10T00:00:00.000 | 91.0 | High Risk | NaN | NaN |
26932 | PRINCESS BAKERY | 2016-08-16T00:00:00.000 | 79.0 | Low Risk | 5.0 | 28861.0 |
34201 | Castro Tarts Cafe and Bakery Inc. | 2017-08-23T00:00:00.000 | 82.0 | Low Risk | NaN | NaN |
200 rows × 6 columns
sample_of_bakeries.plot(kind='hist', y='inspection_score', density=True, bins=score_bins, ec='w', figsize=(10, 5),
title='Sample Distribution');
Note that since we took a large, random sample of the population, we expect that our sample looks similiar to the population and has a similar mean and SD.
count 200.00 mean 84.67 std 8.38 ... 50% 87.00 75% 91.25 max 98.00 Name: inspection_score, Length: 8, dtype: float64
Indeed, the sample mean is quite close to the population mean, and the sample standard deviation is quite close to the population standard deviation.
Let's suppose we want to estimate the population mean (that is, the mean inspection score of all bakeries in SF).
One estimate of the population mean is the mean of our sample.
However, our sample was random and could have been different, meaning our sample mean could also have been different.
Question: What's a reasonable range of possible values for the sample mean? What is the distribution of the sample mean?
The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) says that the probability distribution of the sum or mean of a large random sample drawn with replacement will be roughly normal, regardless of the distribution of the population from which the sample is drawn.
To see an empirical distribution of the sample mean, let's take a large number of samples directly from the population and compute the mean of each one.
Remember, in real life we wouldn't be able to do this, since we wouldn't have access to the population.
sample_means = np.array([])
for i in np.arange(5000):
sample_mean = bakeries.sample(200).get('inspection_score').mean()
sample_means = np.append(sample_means, sample_mean)
array([84.34, 85.02, 83.79, ..., 84.64, 84.49, 84.17])
bpd.DataFrame().assign(sample_means=sample_means).plot(kind='hist', density=True, ec='w', bins=25, figsize=(10, 5));
Unsurprisingly, the distribution of the sample mean is bell-shaped. The CLT told us that!
The CLT also tells us that
$$\text{SD of Distribution of Possible Sample Means} = \frac{\text{Population SD}}{\sqrt{\text{sample size}}}$$Let's try this out.
np.std(bakeries.get('inspection_score')) / np.sqrt(200)
Pretty close! Remember that sample_means
is an array of simulated sample means; the more samples we simulate, the closer that np.std(sample_means)
will get to the SD described by the CLT.
Note that in practice, we won't have the SD of the population, since we'll usually just have a single sample. In such cases, we can use the SD of the sample as an estimate of the SD of the population:
np.std(sample_of_bakeries.get('inspection_score')) / np.sqrt(200)
Using the CLT, we have that the distribution of the sample mean:
Using this information, we can build a confidence interval for where we think the population mean might be. A 95% confidence interval for the population mean is given by
$$ \left[ \text{sample mean} - 2\cdot \frac{\text{sample SD}}{\sqrt{\text{sample size}}}, \ \text{sample mean} + 2\cdot \frac{\text{sample SD}}{\sqrt{\text{sample size}}} \right] $$sample_mean = sample_of_bakeries.get('inspection_score').mean()
sample_std = np.std(sample_of_bakeries.get('inspection_score'))
[sample_mean - 2 * sample_std / np.sqrt(200), sample_mean + 2 * sample_std / np.sqrt(200)] # SOLUTION
[83.48302897666652, 85.8469710233335]
Using a single sample of 200 bakeries, how can we estimate the median inspection score of all bakeries in San Francisco with an inspection score? What technique should we use?
A. Standard hypothesis testing
B. Permutation testing
C. Bootstrapping
D. The Central Limit Theorem
There is no CLT for sample medians, so instead we'll have to resort to bootstrapping to estimate the distribution of the sample median.
Recall, bootstrapping is the act of sampling from the original sample, with replacement. This is also called resampling.
# The median of our original sample – this is just one number
sample_of_bakeries.get('inspection_score').median() # SOLUTION
# The median of a single bootstrap resample – this is just one number
sample_of_bakeries.sample(200, replace=True).get('inspection_score').median() # SOLUTION
Let's resample repeatedly.
np.random.seed(23) # Ignore this
boot_medians = np.array([])
for i in np.arange(5000):
boot_median = sample_of_bakeries.sample(200, replace=True).get('inspection_score').median()
boot_medians = np.append(boot_medians, boot_median)
array([87. , 85. , 86.5, ..., 87.5, 88. , 86. ])
bpd.DataFrame().assign(boot_medians=boot_medians).plot(kind='hist', density=True, ec='w', bins=10, figsize=(10, 5));
Note that this distribution is not at all normal.
To compute a 95% confidence interval, we take the middle 95% of the bootstrapped medians.
left = np.percentile(boot_medians, 2.5)
right = np.percentile(boot_medians, 97.5)
[left, right]
[85.0, 88.0]
Which of the following interpretations of this confidence interval are valid?
You work as a family physician. You collect data and you find that in 6354 patients, 3115 were children and 3239 were adults.
You want to test the following hypotheses:
Which test statistic(s) could be used for this hypothesis test? Which values of the test statistic point towards the alternative?
A. Proportion of children seen
B. Number of children seen
C. Number of children minus number of adults seen
D. Absolute value of number of children minus number of adults seen
There may be multiple correct answers; choose one.
Let's use option B, the number of children seen, as a test statistic. Small values of this statistic favor the alternative hypothesis.
How do we generate a single value of the test statistic?
np.random.multinomial(6354, [0.5, 0.5])[0] # SOLUTION
As usual, let's simulate the test statistic many, many times (10,000).
test_stats = np.array([])
for i in np.arange(10000):
stat = np.random.multinomial(6354, [0.5, 0.5])[0]
test_stats = np.append(test_stats, stat)
array([3204., 3213., 3172., ..., 3150., 3198., 3213.])
bpd.DataFrame().assign(test_stats=test_stats) \
.plot(kind='hist', density=True, ec='w', figsize=(10, 5), bins=20);
plt.axvline(3115, lw=3, color='black', label='observed statistic')
Recall that you collected data and found that in 6354 patients, 3115 were children and 3239 were adults.
What goes in blank (a)?
p_value = np.count_nonzero(test_stats __(a)__ 3115) / 10000
A. >=
B. >
C. <=
D. <
# Calculate the p-value
What do we do, assuming that we're using a 5% p-value cutoff?
A. Reject the null
B. Fail to reject the null
C. It depends
Note that while we used np.random.multinomial
to simulate the test statistic, we could have used np.random.choice
, too:
choices = np.random.choice(['adult', 'child'], p=[0.5, 0.5], size=6354, replace=True) # SOLUTION
array(['adult', 'adult', 'adult', ..., 'child', 'child', 'adult'], dtype='<U5')
np.count_nonzero(choices == 'child') # SOLUTION
Is this an example of bootstrapping?
A. Yes, because we are sampling with replacement.
B. No, this is not bootstrapping.
code is regular pandas
code, too!These sites allow you to search for datasets (in CSV format) from a variety of different domains. Some may require you to sign up for an account; these are generally reputable sources.
Note that all of these links are also available at rampure.org/find-datasets.
Tip: if a site only allows you to download a file as an Excel file, not a CSV file, you can download it, open it in a spreadsheet viewer (Excel, Numbers, Google Sheets), and export it to a CSV.
The Data Science Student Society organizes project groups, which are a great way to get experience and build your resume. Keep your eye out for applications!
is a different visualization library that allows us to create interactive visualizations.import plotly.express as px
Gapminder Foundation is a non-profit venture registered in Stockholm, Sweden, that promotes sustainable global development and achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals by increased use and understanding of statistics and other information about social, economic and environmental development at local, national and global levels. - Gapminder Wikipedia
gapminder = px.data.gapminder()
country | continent | year | lifeExp | pop | gdpPercap | iso_alpha | iso_num | |
0 | Afghanistan | Asia | 1952 | 28.80 | 8425333 | 779.45 | AFG | 4 |
1 | Afghanistan | Asia | 1957 | 30.33 | 9240934 | 820.85 | AFG | 4 |
2 | Afghanistan | Asia | 1962 | 32.00 | 10267083 | 853.10 | AFG | 4 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
1701 | Zimbabwe | Africa | 1997 | 46.81 | 11404948 | 792.45 | ZWE | 716 |
1702 | Zimbabwe | Africa | 2002 | 39.99 | 11926563 | 672.04 | ZWE | 716 |
1703 | Zimbabwe | Africa | 2007 | 43.49 | 12311143 | 469.71 | ZWE | 716 |
1704 rows × 8 columns
The dataset contains information for each country for several different years.
array([1952, 1957, 1962, 1967, 1972, 1977, 1982, 1987, 1992, 1997, 2002, 2007], dtype=int64)
Let's start by just looking at 2007 data (the most recent year in the dataset).
gapminder_2007 = gapminder[gapminder.get('year') == 2007]
country | continent | year | lifeExp | pop | gdpPercap | iso_alpha | iso_num | |
11 | Afghanistan | Asia | 2007 | 43.83 | 31889923 | 974.58 | AFG | 4 |
23 | Albania | Europe | 2007 | 76.42 | 3600523 | 5937.03 | ALB | 8 |
35 | Algeria | Africa | 2007 | 72.30 | 33333216 | 6223.37 | DZA | 12 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
1679 | Yemen, Rep. | Asia | 2007 | 62.70 | 22211743 | 2280.77 | YEM | 887 |
1691 | Zambia | Africa | 2007 | 42.38 | 11746035 | 1271.21 | ZMB | 894 |
1703 | Zimbabwe | Africa | 2007 | 43.49 | 12311143 | 469.71 | ZWE | 716 |
142 rows × 8 columns
We can plot life expectancy vs. GDP per capita. If you hover over a point, you will see the name of the country.
px.scatter(gapminder_2007, x='gdpPercap', y='lifeExp', hover_name='country')
In future courses, you'll learn about transformations. Here, we'll apply a log transformation to the x-axis to make the plot look a little more linear.
px.scatter(gapminder_2007, x='gdpPercap', y='lifeExp', log_x=True, hover_name='country')
We can take things one step further.
x = 'gdpPercap',
y = 'lifeExp',
hover_name = 'country',
color = 'continent',
size = 'pop',
size_max = 60,
log_x = True,
range_y = [30, 90],
animation_frame = 'year',
title = 'Life Expectancy, GDP Per Capita, and Population over Time'
Watch this video if you want to see an even-more-animated version of this plot.
x = 'lifeExp',
animation_frame = 'year',
range_x = [20, 90],
range_y = [0, 50],
title = 'Distribution of Life Expectancy over Time')
locations = 'iso_alpha',
color = 'lifeExp',
hover_name = 'country',
hover_data = {'iso_alpha': False},
title = 'Life Expectancy Per Country',
color_continuous_scale = px.colors.sequential.tempo
Data science is about drawing useful conclusions from data using computation. Throughout the quarter, we touched on several aspects of data science:
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