👩🏫 Staff

Jared Wilberhe/him
Lecture: TuTh 6:30-7:50PM, SOLIS 104
Jared Wilber is a Senior Software Engineer at Nvidia and lecturer at UC San Diego. He previously started a company (via YCombinator) and worked as a Data Scientist for Amazon Web Services. His data visualization work includes open source projects (he is the author of roughViz.js and MLU-Explain) and narrative journalism (e.g. The Pudding). He is from San Diego.

Bruce is a 2.5 year old (in human years) pug. He was rescued from The San Diego Pug Rescue when he was just a few months old. At work, he loves being pet and laying down. Outside of work, he loves eating food, cuddling with his mom, sleeping, and running around non-stop. He is extremely friendly and loving.