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Theoretical Foundations of Data Science I

DSC 40A, Winter 2024 at UC San Diego

Final seat has been posted, please find it Here. This time it is sorted in alphabetical order of your first name. If you could not find your name in the seating chart, please wait near the podium similar to last time. Please note that the final is optional.

Aobo Li

Aobo Li


Lecture: MWF 1:00pm to 1:50pm in Mandeville B-202

Week 2 – Gradient Descent

Jan 15

Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday

no lecture

DISCGroupwork 2 Solution (not graded, no need to turn it in)

Jan 17

LEC 4 ERM, Center and Spread ✏️

πŸ“– 12-16 + πŸ“–

HW 1 Homework 1 Solution

HW 1 πŸƒ

Jan 19

LEC 5 Gradient Descent ✏️

πŸ“– 15-17

Week 7 – More Probability and Combinatorics

Feb 19

Presidents’ Day Holiday

Feb 21

LEC 17 Sequences, Permutations, and Combinations ✏️

HW 5 Homework 5 Solution

HW 5 πŸƒ

Feb 23

LEC 18 ✏️ Probability and Combinatorics Examples

Week 10 – Precision and Recall

Mar 11

LEC 25 Precision and Recall ✏️

DISC Notes

Mar 13

EXAM Midterm 2 (during lecture) Mock Midterm Mock Midterm Solution Midterm 2 Midterm 2 WI24 Solution

Mar 15

LEC 26 Review Session

Mar 22

EXAM Final Exam, location TBA (Part 1 at 11:30am, Part 2 at 1:00pm) πŸͺ‘ πŸ“ Final 1 WI24 Solution Final 2 WI24 Solution

SURV Course Evaluations