from dsc80_utils import *
# Pandas Tutor setup
%reload_ext pandas_tutor
%set_pandas_tutor_options {"maxDisplayCols": 8, "nohover": True, "projectorMode": True}
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter(action='ignore', category=FutureWarning)
Announcements 📣¶
- Lab 2 due tomorrow, Fri, Oct 11.
- Project 1 is due this Tue, Oct 15.
Agenda 📆¶
- Dataset overview.
- Introduction to
. - Exploratory data analysis and feature types.
- Data cleaning.
- Data quality checks.
- Missing values.
- Transformations and timestamps.
- Modifying structure.
- Investigating student-submitted questions!
Example: Name categories¶
The New York Times article from Lecture 1 claims that certain categories of names are becoming more popular. For example:
Forbidden names like Lucifer, Lilith, Kali, and Danger.
Evangelical names like Amen, Savior, Canaan, and Creed.
Mythological names.
It also claims that baby boomer names are becoming less popular.
Let's see if we can verify these claims using data!
Loading in the data¶
Our first DataFrame, baby
, is the same as we saw in Lecture 1. It has one row for every combination of 'Name'
, 'Sex'
, and 'Year'
baby_path = Path('data') / 'baby.csv'
baby = pd.read_csv(baby_path)
Name | Sex | Count | Year | |
0 | Liam | M | 20456 | 2022 |
1 | Noah | M | 18621 | 2022 |
2 | Olivia | F | 16573 | 2022 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2085155 | Wright | M | 5 | 1880 |
2085156 | York | M | 5 | 1880 |
2085157 | Zachariah | M | 5 | 1880 |
2085158 rows × 4 columns
Our second DataFrame, nyt
, contains the New York Times' categorization of each of several names, based on the aforementioned article.
nyt_path = Path('data') / 'nyt_names.csv'
nyt = pd.read_csv(nyt_path)
nyt_name | category | |
0 | Lucifer | forbidden |
1 | Lilith | forbidden |
2 | Danger | forbidden |
... | ... | ... |
20 | Venus | celestial |
21 | Celestia | celestial |
22 | Skye | celestial |
23 rows × 2 columns
Issue: To find the number of babies born with (for example) forbidden names each year, we need to combine information from both baby
and nyt
- We want to link rows from
together whenever the names match up. - This is a merge (
term), i.e. a join (SQL term). - A merge is appropriate when we have two sources of information about the same individuals that is linked by a common column(s).
- The common column(s) are called the join key.
Example merge¶
Let's demonstrate on a small subset of baby
and nyt
nyt_small = nyt.iloc[[11, 12, 14]].reset_index(drop=True)
names_to_keep = ['Julius', 'Karen', 'Noah']
baby_small = (baby
.query("Year == 2020 and Name in @names_to_keep")
dfs_side_by_side(baby_small, nyt_small)
Name | Sex | Count | Year | |
0 | Noah | M | 18407 | 2020 |
1 | Julius | M | 966 | 2020 |
2 | Karen | F | 330 | 2020 |
3 | Noah | F | 306 | 2020 |
4 | Karen | M | 6 | 2020 |
nyt_name | category | |
0 | Karen | boomer |
1 | Julius | mythology |
2 | Freya | mythology |
baby_small.merge(nyt_small, left_on='Name', right_on='nyt_name')
The merge
DataFrame method joins two DataFrames by columns or indexes.- As mentioned before, "merge" is just the
word for "join."
- As mentioned before, "merge" is just the
When using the
method, the DataFrame beforemerge
is the "left" DataFrame, and the DataFrame passed intomerge
is the "right" DataFrame.- In
is considered the "left" DataFrame andnyt_small
is the "right" DataFrame; the columns from the left DataFrame appear to the left of the columns from right DataFrame.
- In
By default:
- If join keys are not specified, all shared columns between the two DataFrames are used.
- The "type" of join performed is an inner join. This is the only type of join you saw in DSC 10, but there are more, as we'll now see!
Join types: inner joins¶
baby_small.merge(nyt_small, left_on='Name', right_on='nyt_name')
- Note that
do not appear in the merged DataFrame. - This is because there is:
- no
in the right DataFrame (nyt_small
), and - no
in the left DataFrame (baby_small
- no
- The default type of join that
performs is an inner join, which keeps the intersection of the join keys.

Different join types¶
We can change the type of join performed by changing the how
argument in merge
. Let's experiment!
# Note the NaNs!
baby_small.merge(nyt_small, left_on='Name', right_on='nyt_name', how='left')
baby_small.merge(nyt_small, left_on='Name', right_on='nyt_name', how='right')
baby_small.merge(nyt_small, left_on='Name', right_on='nyt_name', how='outer')
Different join types handle mismatches differently¶
There are four types of joins.
- Inner: keep only matching keys (intersection).
- Outer: keep all keys in both DataFrames (union).
- Left: keep all keys in the left DataFrame, whether or not they are in the right DataFrame.
- Right: keep all keys in the right DataFrame, whether or not they are in the left DataFrame.
- Note that
a.merge(b, how='left')
contains the same information asb.merge(a, how='right')
, just in a different order.
- Note that

Notes on the merge
is flexible – you can merge using a combination of columns, or the index of the DataFrame.- If the two DataFrames have the same column names,
will add_x
to the duplicated column names to avoid having columns with the same name (change these thesuffixes
argument). - There is, in fact, a
method, but it's actually a wrapper aroundmerge
with fewer options. - As always, the documentation is your friend!
Lots of pandas
operations do an implicit outer join!¶
will almost always try to match up index values using an outer join.- It won't tell you that it's doing an outer join, it'll just throw
s in your result!
df1 = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1, 2, 3]}, index=['hello', 'dsc80', 'students'])
df2 = pd.DataFrame({'b': [10, 20, 30]}, index=['dsc80', 'is', 'awesome'])
dfs_side_by_side(df1, df2)
a | |
hello | 1 |
dsc80 | 2 |
students | 3 |
b | |
dsc80 | 10 |
is | 20 |
awesome | 30 |
df1['a'] + df2['b']
awesome NaN dsc80 12.0 hello NaN is NaN students NaN dtype: float64
Many-to-one & many-to-many joins¶
One-to-one joins¶
- So far in this lecture, the joins we have worked with are called one-to-one joins.
- Neither the left DataFrame (
) nor the right DataFrame (nyt_small
) contained any duplicates in the join key. - What if there are duplicated join keys, in one or both of the DataFrames we are merging?
# Run this cell to set up the next example.
profs = pd.DataFrame(
[['Sam', 'UCB', 5],
['Sam', 'UCSD', 5],
['Janine', 'UCSD', 8],
['Marina', 'UIC', 7],
['Justin', 'OSU', 5],
['Soohyun', 'UCSD', 2],
['Suraj', 'UCB', 2]],
columns=['Name', 'School', 'Years']
schools = pd.DataFrame({
'Abr': ['UCSD', 'UCLA', 'UCB', 'UIC'],
'Full': ['University of California San Diego', 'University of California, Los Angeles', 'University of California, Berkeley', 'University of Illinois Chicago']
programs = pd.DataFrame({
'uni': ['UCSD', 'UCSD', 'UCSD', 'UCB', 'OSU', 'OSU'],
'dept': ['Math', 'HDSI', 'COGS', 'CS', 'Math', 'CS'],
'grad_students': [205, 54, 281, 439, 304, 193]
Many-to-one joins¶
- Many-to-one joins are joins where one of the DataFrames contains duplicate values in the join key.
- The resulting DataFrame will preserve those duplicate entries as appropriate.
dfs_side_by_side(profs, schools)
Name | School | Years | |
0 | Sam | UCB | 5 |
1 | Sam | UCSD | 5 |
2 | Janine | UCSD | 8 |
3 | Marina | UIC | 7 |
4 | Justin | OSU | 5 |
5 | Soohyun | UCSD | 2 |
6 | Suraj | UCB | 2 |
Abr | Full | |
0 | UCSD | University of California San Diego |
1 | UCLA | University of California, Los Angeles |
2 | UCB | University of California, Berkeley |
3 | UIC | University of Illinois Chicago |
Note that when merging profs
and schools
, the information from schools
is duplicated.
'University of California, San Diego'
appears three times.'University of California, Berkeley'
appears twice.
profs.merge(schools, left_on='School', right_on='Abr', how='left')
Many-to-many joins¶
Many-to-many joins are joins where both DataFrames have duplicate values in the join key.
dfs_side_by_side(profs, programs)
Name | School | Years | |
0 | Sam | UCB | 5 |
1 | Sam | UCSD | 5 |
2 | Janine | UCSD | 8 |
3 | Marina | UIC | 7 |
4 | Justin | OSU | 5 |
5 | Soohyun | UCSD | 2 |
6 | Suraj | UCB | 2 |
uni | dept | grad_students | |
0 | UCSD | Math | 205 |
1 | UCSD | HDSI | 54 |
2 | UCSD | COGS | 281 |
3 | UCB | CS | 439 |
4 | OSU | Math | 304 |
5 | OSU | CS | 193 |
Before running the following cell, try predicting the number of rows in the output.
profs.merge(programs, left_on='School', right_on='uni')
stitched together every UCSD row inprofs
with every UCSD row inprograms
.- Since there were 3 UCSD rows in
and 3 inprograms
, there are $3 \cdot 3 = 9$ UCSD rows in the output. The same applies for all other schools.
Question 🤔 (Answer at
Code: merge
Fill in the blank so that the last statement evaluates to True
df = profs.merge(programs, left_on='School', right_on='uni')
df.shape[0] == (____).sum()
Don't use merge
(or join
) in your solution!
dfs_side_by_side(profs, programs)
Name | School | Years | |
0 | Sam | UCB | 5 |
1 | Sam | UCSD | 5 |
2 | Janine | UCSD | 8 |
3 | Marina | UIC | 7 |
4 | Justin | OSU | 5 |
5 | Soohyun | UCSD | 2 |
6 | Suraj | UCB | 2 |
uni | dept | grad_students | |
0 | UCSD | Math | 205 |
1 | UCSD | HDSI | 54 |
2 | UCSD | COGS | 281 |
3 | UCB | CS | 439 |
4 | OSU | Math | 304 |
5 | OSU | CS | 193 |
# Your code goes here.
Returning back to our original question¶
Let's find the popularity of baby name categories over time. To start, we'll define a DataFrame that has one row for every combination of 'category'
and 'Year'
cate_counts = (
.merge(nyt, left_on='Name', right_on='nyt_name')
.groupby(['category', 'Year'])
category | Year | Count | |
0 | boomer | 1880 | 292 |
1 | boomer | 1881 | 298 |
2 | boomer | 1882 | 326 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
659 | mythology | 2020 | 3516 |
660 | mythology | 2021 | 3895 |
661 | mythology | 2022 | 4049 |
662 rows × 3 columns
# We'll talk about plotting code soon!
import as px
fig = px.line(cate_counts, x='Year', y='Count',
facet_col='category', facet_col_wrap=3,
width=600, height=400)
fig.update_yaxes(matches=None, showticklabels=False)
Questions? 🤔
Transforming values¶
A transformation results from performing some operation on every element in a sequence, e.g. a Series.
While we haven't discussed it yet in DSC 80, you learned how to transform Series in DSC 10, using the
is very flexible – it takes in a function, which itself takes in a single value as input and returns a single value.
Name | Sex | Count | Year | |
0 | Liam | M | 20456 | 2022 |
1 | Noah | M | 18621 | 2022 |
2 | Olivia | F | 16573 | 2022 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
2085155 | Wright | M | 5 | 1880 |
2085156 | York | M | 5 | 1880 |
2085157 | Zachariah | M | 5 | 1880 |
2085158 rows × 4 columns
def number_of_vowels(string):
return sum(c in 'aeiou' for c in string.lower())
0 2 1 2 2 4 .. 2085155 1 2085156 1 2085157 4 Name: Name, Length: 2085158, dtype: int64
# Built-in functions work with apply, too.
0 4 1 4 2 6 .. 2085155 6 2085156 4 2085157 9 Name: Name, Length: 2085158, dtype: int64
The price of apply
Unfortunately, apply
runs really slowly!
1.1 s ± 7.54 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
res = []
for name in baby['Name']:
927 ms ± 21.7 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
Internally, apply
actually just runs a for
So, when possible – say, when applying arithmetic operations – we should work on Series objects directly and avoid apply
The price of apply
baby['Year'] // 10 * 10 # Rounds down to the nearest multiple of 10.
3.12 ms ± 19.8 μs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
baby['Year'].apply(lambda y: y // 10 * 10)
393 ms ± 1.44 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
100x slower!
The .str
For string operations, pandas
provides a convenient .str
245 ms ± 1.38 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
271 ms ± 17.5 ms per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1 loop each)
It's very convenient and runs about the same speed as apply
Dataset overview¶
San Diego food safety¶
From this article (archive link):
In the last three years, one third of San Diego County restaurants have had at least one major food safety violation.
99% Of San Diego Restaurants Earn ‘A' Grades, Bringing Usefulness of System Into Question¶
From this article (archive link):
Food held at unsafe temperatures. Employees not washing their hands. Dirty countertops. Vermin in the kitchen. An expired restaurant permit.
Restaurant inspectors for San Diego County found these violations during a routine health inspection of a diner in La Mesa in November 2016. Despite the violations, the restaurant was awarded a score of 90 out of 100, the lowest possible score to achieve an ‘A’ grade.
The data¶
- We downloaded the data about the 1000 restaurants closest to UCSD from here.
- We had to download the data as JSON files, then process it into DataFrames. You'll learn how to do this soon!
- Until now, you've (largely) been presented with CSV files that
could load without any issues. - But there are many different formats and possible issues when loading data in from files.
- See Chapter 8 of Learning DS for more.
- Until now, you've (largely) been presented with CSV files that
rest_path = Path('data') / 'restaurants.csv'
insp_path = Path('data') / 'inspections.csv'
viol_path = Path('data') / 'violations.csv'
rest = pd.read_csv(rest_path)
insp = pd.read_csv(insp_path)
viol = pd.read_csv(viol_path)
Question 🤔 (Answer at
Code: dfs
The first article said that one third of restaurants had at least one major safety violation.
Which DataFrames and columns seem most useful to verify this?
business_id | name | business_type | address | ... | lat | long | opened_date | distance | |
0 | 211898487641 | MOBIL MART LA JOLLA VILLAGE | Pre-Packaged Retail Market | 3233 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR, LA JOLLA, CA 92037 | ... | 32.87 | -117.23 | 2002-05-05 | 0.62 |
1 | 211930769329 | CAFE 477 | Low Risk Food Facility | 8950 VILLA LA JOLLA DR, SUITE# B123, LA JOLLA,... | ... | 32.87 | -117.24 | 2023-07-24 | 0.64 |
2 rows × 12 columns
Index(['business_id', 'name', 'business_type', 'address', 'city', 'zip', 'phone', 'status', 'lat', 'long', 'opened_date', 'distance'], dtype='object')
custom_id | business_id | inspection_id | description | ... | completed_date | status | link | status_link | |
0 | DEH2002-FFPN-310012 | 211898487641 | 6886133 | NaN | ... | 2023-02-16 | Complete | | |
1 | DEH2002-FFPN-310012 | 211898487641 | 6631228 | NaN | ... | 2022-01-03 | Complete | | |
2 rows × 11 columns
Index(['custom_id', 'business_id', 'inspection_id', 'description', 'type', 'score', 'grade', 'completed_date', 'status', 'link', 'status_link'], dtype='object')
inspection_id | violation | major_violation | status | violation_text | correction_type_link | violation_accela | link | |
0 | 6886133 | Hot and Cold Water | Y | Out of Compliance - Major | Hot and Cold Water | | 21. Hot & cold water available | |
1 | 6631228 | Hot and Cold Water | N | Out of Compliance - Minor | Hot and Cold Water | | 21. Hot & cold water available | |
Index(['inspection_id', 'violation', 'major_violation', 'status', 'violation_text', 'correction_type_link', 'violation_accela', 'link'], dtype='object')
Introduction to plotly
- We've used
in lecture briefly, and you even have to use it in Project 1 Question 13, but we haven't yet discussed it formally.
- It's a visualization library that enables interactive visualizations.

Using plotly
There are a few ways we can use plotly
- Using the
is very flexible, but it can be verbose;
allows us to make plots quickly.- See the documentation here – it's very rich (there are good examples for almost everything).
- By setting
plotting backend to'plotly'
(by default, it's'matplotlib'
) and using the DataFrameplot
method.- The DataFrame
method is how you created plots in DSC 10!
- The DataFrame
For now, we'll use
syntax; we've imported it in the
file that we import at the top of each lecture notebook.
Initial plots¶
First, let's look at the distribution of inspection 'score'
fig = px.histogram(insp['score'])
How about the distribution of average inspection 'score'
per 'grade'
scores = (
insp[['grade', 'score']]
# x= and y= are columns of scores. Convenient!, x='grade', y='score')
# Same as the above!
scores.plot(kind='bar', x='grade', y='score')
Exploratory data analysis and feature types¶
Exploratory data analysis (EDA)¶
Historically, data analysis was dominated by formal statistics, including tools like confidence intervals, hypothesis tests, and statistical modeling.
In 1977, John Tukey defined the term exploratory data analysis, which described a philosophy for proceeding about data analysis:
Exploratory data analysis is actively incisive, rather than passively descriptive, with real emphasis on the discovery of the unexpected.
- Practically, EDA involves, among other things, computing summary statistics and drawing plots to understand the nature of the data at hand.
The greatest gains from data come from surprises… The unexpected is best brought to our attention by pictures.
Different feature types¶

Question 🤔 (Answer at
Code: types
Determine the feature type of each of the following variables.
# Your code goes here.
Feature types vs. data types¶
The data type
uses is not the same as the "data type" we talked about just now!- There's a difference between feature type and computational data type.
Take care when the two don't match up very well!
# pandas stores these as ints, but they're actually nominal.
0 211898487641 1 211930769329 2 211909057778 ... 997 211899338714 998 211942150255 999 211925713322 Name: business_id, Length: 1000, dtype: int64
# pandas stores these as strings, but they're actually numeric.
0 2002-05-05 1 2023-07-24 2 2019-01-22 ... 997 2002-05-05 998 2016-11-03 999 2022-11-03 Name: opened_date, Length: 1000, dtype: object
Data cleaning¶
Four pillars of data cleaning¶
When loading in a dataset, to clean the data – that is, to prepare it for further analysis – we will:
Perform data quality checks.
Identify and handle missing values.
Perform transformations, including converting time series data to timestamps.
Modify structure as necessary.
Data cleaning: Data quality checks¶
Data quality checks¶
We often start an analysis by checking the quality of the data.
- Scope: Do the data match your understanding of the population?
- Measurements and values: Are the values reasonable?
- Relationships: Are related features in agreement?
- Analysis: Which features might be useful in a future analysis?
Do the data match your understanding of the population?
We were told that we're only looking at the 1000 restaurants closest to UCSD, so the restaurants in rest
should agree with that.
business_id | name | business_type | address | ... | lat | long | opened_date | distance | |
40 | 211903197364 | HYATT REGENCY LA JOLLA - DRIFT | Satellite Food Service Operation | 3777 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR, SAN DIEGO, CA 92122-... | ... | 32.87 | -117.23 | 2020-09-09 | 0.82 |
116 | 211978008480 | JOE AND THE JUICE | Restaurant Food Facility | 4305 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR, SAN DIEGO, CA 92122 | ... | 32.87 | -117.21 | 2018-03-06 | 1.31 |
954 | 211899192225 | SESSIONS ELEMENTARY | School Food Auxiliary Facility | 2150 BERYL ST, SAN DIEGO, CA 92109 | ... | 32.81 | -117.23 | 2002-05-05 | 4.87 |
785 | 211914874020 | TONKATSU IZAKAYA EENAMI | Restaurant Food Facility | 4706 CLAIREMONT MESA BLVD, SAN DIEGO, CA 92117... | ... | 32.84 | -117.19 | 2020-03-11 | 4.04 |
420 | 211916844973 | CARGO CAFE | Single Operating Site | 6190 CORNERSTONE CT, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121-3766 | ... | 32.90 | -117.19 | 2017-12-29 | 2.93 |
5 rows × 12 columns
Measurements and values¶
Are the values reasonable?
Do the values in the 'grade'
column match what we'd expect grades to look like?
grade A 2978 B 11 Name: count, dtype: int64
What kinds of information does the insp
DataFrame hold?
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'> RangeIndex: 5179 entries, 0 to 5178 Data columns (total 11 columns): # Column Non-Null Count Dtype --- ------ -------------- ----- 0 custom_id 5179 non-null object 1 business_id 5179 non-null int64 2 inspection_id 5179 non-null int64 3 description 0 non-null float64 4 type 5179 non-null object 5 score 5179 non-null int64 6 grade 2989 non-null object 7 completed_date 5179 non-null object 8 status 5179 non-null object 9 link 5179 non-null object 10 status_link 5179 non-null object dtypes: float64(1), int64(3), object(7) memory usage: 445.2+ KB
What's going on in the 'address'
column of rest
# Are there multiple restaurants with the same address?
address 5300 GRAND DEL MAR CT, SAN DIEGO, CA 92130 9 8657 VILLA LA JOLLA DR, LA JOLLA, CA 92037 8 4545 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR, SAN DIEGO, CA 92122 8 .. 3963 GOVERNOR DR, SAN DIEGO, CA 92122 1 4041 GOVERNOR DR, SAN DIEGO, CA 92122-2520 1 2672 DEL MAR HEIGHTS RD, DEL MAR, CA 92014 1 Name: count, Length: 863, dtype: int64
# Keeps all rows with duplicate addresses.
.filter(lambda df: df.shape[0] >= 2)
business_id | name | business_type | address | ... | lat | long | opened_date | distance | |
406 | 211899308875 | NASEEMS BAKERY & KABOB | Restaurant Food Facility | 10066 PACIFIC HEIGHTS BLVD, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 | ... | 32.90 | -117.19 | 2012-04-17 | 2.77 |
402 | 211898699154 | HANAYA SUSHI CAFE | Restaurant Food Facility | 10066 PACIFIC HEIGHTS BLVD, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 | ... | 32.90 | -117.19 | 2011-03-22 | 2.77 |
401 | 211899558107 | ARMANDOS MEXICAN FOOD | Restaurant Food Facility | 10066 PACIFIC HEIGHTS BLVD, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 | ... | 32.90 | -117.19 | 2005-06-28 | 2.77 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
575 | 211972411855 | TARA HEATHER CAKE DESIGN | Caterer | 9932 MESA RIM RD, SUITE# A, SAN DIEGO, CA 9212... | ... | 32.90 | -117.18 | 2014-04-24 | 3.51 |
344 | 211990537315 | COMPASS GROUP FEDEX EXPRESS OLSON | Pre-Packaged Retail Market | 9999 OLSON DR, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121-2837 | ... | 32.89 | -117.20 | 2022-10-19 | 2.27 |
343 | 211976587262 | CANTEEN - FED EX OLSON | Pre-Packaged Retail Market | 9999 OLSON DR, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121-2837 | ... | 32.89 | -117.20 | 2020-07-31 | 2.27 |
213 rows × 12 columns
# Does the same thing as above!
rest[rest.duplicated(subset=['address'], keep=False)]
business_id | name | business_type | address | ... | lat | long | opened_date | distance | |
406 | 211899308875 | NASEEMS BAKERY & KABOB | Restaurant Food Facility | 10066 PACIFIC HEIGHTS BLVD, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 | ... | 32.90 | -117.19 | 2012-04-17 | 2.77 |
402 | 211898699154 | HANAYA SUSHI CAFE | Restaurant Food Facility | 10066 PACIFIC HEIGHTS BLVD, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 | ... | 32.90 | -117.19 | 2011-03-22 | 2.77 |
401 | 211899558107 | ARMANDOS MEXICAN FOOD | Restaurant Food Facility | 10066 PACIFIC HEIGHTS BLVD, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121 | ... | 32.90 | -117.19 | 2005-06-28 | 2.77 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
575 | 211972411855 | TARA HEATHER CAKE DESIGN | Caterer | 9932 MESA RIM RD, SUITE# A, SAN DIEGO, CA 9212... | ... | 32.90 | -117.18 | 2014-04-24 | 3.51 |
344 | 211990537315 | COMPASS GROUP FEDEX EXPRESS OLSON | Pre-Packaged Retail Market | 9999 OLSON DR, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121-2837 | ... | 32.89 | -117.20 | 2022-10-19 | 2.27 |
343 | 211976587262 | CANTEEN - FED EX OLSON | Pre-Packaged Retail Market | 9999 OLSON DR, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121-2837 | ... | 32.89 | -117.20 | 2020-07-31 | 2.27 |
213 rows × 12 columns
Are related features in agreement?
Do the 'address'
es and 'zip'
codes in rest
rest[['address', 'zip']]
address | zip | |
0 | 3233 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR, LA JOLLA, CA 92037 | 92037 |
1 | 8950 VILLA LA JOLLA DR, SUITE# B123, LA JOLLA,... | 92037-1704 |
2 | 6902 LA JOLLA BLVD, LA JOLLA, CA 92037 | 92037 |
... | ... | ... |
997 | 1234 TOURMALINE ST, SAN DIEGO, CA 92109-1856 | 92109-1856 |
998 | 12925 EL CAMINO REAL, SUITE# AA4, SAN DIEGO, C... | 92130 |
999 | 2672 DEL MAR HEIGHTS RD, DEL MAR, CA 92014 | 92014 |
1000 rows × 2 columns
What about the 'score'
s and 'grade'
s in insp
insp[['score', 'grade']]
score | grade | |
0 | 96 | NaN |
1 | 98 | NaN |
2 | 98 | NaN |
... | ... | ... |
5176 | 0 | NaN |
5177 | 0 | NaN |
5178 | 90 | A |
5179 rows × 2 columns
Which features might be useful in a future analysis?
We're most interested in:
- These columns in the
, and'opened_date'
. - These columns in the
, and'status'
. - These columns in the
, and'violation_accela'
- These columns in the
Also, let's rename a few columns to make them easier to work with.
💡 Pro-Tip: Using pipe
When we manipulate DataFrames, it's best to define individual functions for each step, then use the pipe
method to chain them all together.
The pipe
DataFrame method takes in a function, which itself takes in a DataFrame and returns a DataFrame.
- In practice, we would add functions one by one to the top of a notebook, then
them all. - For today, will keep re-running
to show data cleaning process.
def subset_rest(rest):
return rest[['business_id', 'name', 'address', 'zip', 'opened_date']]
rest = (
business_id | name | address | zip | opened_date | |
0 | 211898487641 | MOBIL MART LA JOLLA VILLAGE | 3233 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR, LA JOLLA, CA 92037 | 92037 | 2002-05-05 |
1 | 211930769329 | CAFE 477 | 8950 VILLA LA JOLLA DR, SUITE# B123, LA JOLLA,... | 92037-1704 | 2023-07-24 |
2 | 211909057778 | VALLEY FARM MARKET | 6902 LA JOLLA BLVD, LA JOLLA, CA 92037 | 92037 | 2019-01-22 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
997 | 211899338714 | PACIFIC BEACH ELEMENTARY | 1234 TOURMALINE ST, SAN DIEGO, CA 92109-1856 | 92109-1856 | 2002-05-05 |
998 | 211942150255 | POKEWAN DEL MAR | 12925 EL CAMINO REAL, SUITE# AA4, SAN DIEGO, C... | 92130 | 2016-11-03 |
999 | 211925713322 | SAFFRONO LOUNGE RESTAURANT | 2672 DEL MAR HEIGHTS RD, DEL MAR, CA 92014 | 92014 | 2022-11-03 |
1000 rows × 5 columns
# Same as the above – but the above makes it easier to chain more .pipe calls afterwards.
business_id | name | address | zip | opened_date | |
0 | 211898487641 | MOBIL MART LA JOLLA VILLAGE | 3233 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR, LA JOLLA, CA 92037 | 92037 | 2002-05-05 |
1 | 211930769329 | CAFE 477 | 8950 VILLA LA JOLLA DR, SUITE# B123, LA JOLLA,... | 92037-1704 | 2023-07-24 |
2 | 211909057778 | VALLEY FARM MARKET | 6902 LA JOLLA BLVD, LA JOLLA, CA 92037 | 92037 | 2019-01-22 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
997 | 211899338714 | PACIFIC BEACH ELEMENTARY | 1234 TOURMALINE ST, SAN DIEGO, CA 92109-1856 | 92109-1856 | 2002-05-05 |
998 | 211942150255 | POKEWAN DEL MAR | 12925 EL CAMINO REAL, SUITE# AA4, SAN DIEGO, C... | 92130 | 2016-11-03 |
999 | 211925713322 | SAFFRONO LOUNGE RESTAURANT | 2672 DEL MAR HEIGHTS RD, DEL MAR, CA 92014 | 92014 | 2022-11-03 |
1000 rows × 5 columns
Let's use pipe
to keep (and rename) the subset of the columns we care about in the other two DataFrames as well.
def subset_insp(insp):
return (
insp[['business_id', 'inspection_id', 'score', 'grade', 'completed_date', 'status']]
.rename(columns={'completed_date': 'date'})
insp = (
def subset_viol(viol):
return (
viol[['inspection_id', 'violation', 'major_violation', 'violation_accela']]
.rename(columns={'violation': 'kind',
'major_violation': 'is_major',
'violation_accela': 'violation'})
viol = (
Combining the restaurant data¶
Let's join all three DataFrames together so that we have all the data in a single DataFrame.
def merge_all_restaurant_data():
return (
.merge(insp, on='business_id', how='left')
.merge(viol, on='inspection_id', how='left')
df = merge_all_restaurant_data()
business_id | name | address | zip | ... | status | kind | is_major | violation | |
0 | 211898487641 | MOBIL MART LA JOLLA VILLAGE | 3233 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR, LA JOLLA, CA 92037 | 92037 | ... | Complete | Hot and Cold Water | Y | 21. Hot & cold water available |
1 | 211898487641 | MOBIL MART LA JOLLA VILLAGE | 3233 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR, LA JOLLA, CA 92037 | 92037 | ... | Complete | Hot and Cold Water | N | 21. Hot & cold water available |
2 | 211898487641 | MOBIL MART LA JOLLA VILLAGE | 3233 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR, LA JOLLA, CA 92037 | 92037 | ... | Complete | Holding Temperatures | N | 7. Proper hot & cold holding temperatures |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
8728 | 211925713322 | SAFFRONO LOUNGE RESTAURANT | 2672 DEL MAR HEIGHTS RD, DEL MAR, CA 92014 | 92014 | ... | Complete | Equipment and Utensil Storage, Use | N | 35. Equipment / Utensils -approved, installed,... |
8729 | 211925713322 | SAFFRONO LOUNGE RESTAURANT | 2672 DEL MAR HEIGHTS RD, DEL MAR, CA 92014 | 92014 | ... | Complete | Toilet Facilities | N | 43. Toilet facilities -properly constructed, s... |
8730 | 211925713322 | SAFFRONO LOUNGE RESTAURANT | 2672 DEL MAR HEIGHTS RD, DEL MAR, CA 92014 | 92014 | ... | Complete | Floors, Walls, and Ceilings | N | 45. Floor, walls and ceilings - built, maintai... |
8731 rows × 13 columns
Question 🤔 (Answer at
Code: lefts
Why should the function above use two left joins? What would go wrong if we used other kinds of joins?
Data cleaning: Missing values¶
Missing values¶
Next, it's important to check for and handle missing values, as they can have a big effect on your analysis.
insp[['score', 'grade']]
score | grade | |
0 | 96 | NaN |
1 | 98 | NaN |
2 | 98 | NaN |
... | ... | ... |
5176 | 0 | NaN |
5177 | 0 | NaN |
5178 | 90 | A |
5179 rows × 2 columns
# The proportion of values in each column that are missing.
business_id 0.00 inspection_id 0.00 score 0.00 grade 0.42 date 0.00 status 0.00 dtype: float64
# Why are there null values here?
# insp['inspection_id'] and viol['inspection_id'] don't have any null values...
business_id | name | address | zip | ... | status | kind | is_major | violation | |
759 | 211941133403 | TASTY CHAI | 8878 REGENTS RD 105, SAN DIEGO, CA 92122-5853 | 92122-5853 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
1498 | 211915545446 | EMBASSY SUITES SAN DIEGO LA JOLLA | 4550 LA JOLLA VILLAGE DR, SAN DIEGO, CA 92122-... | 92122-1248 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
1672 | 211937443689 | SERVICENOW | 4770 EASTGATE MALL, SAN DIEGO, CA 92121-1970 | 92121-1970 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
8094 | 211997340975 | COOKIE SCOOP | 7759 GASTON DR, SAN DIEGO, CA 92126-3036 | 92126-3036 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
8450 | 211900595220 | I LOVE BANANA BREAD CO | 4068 DALLES AVE, SAN DIEGO, CA 92117-5518 | 92117-5518 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
8545 | 211963768842 | PETRA KITCHEN | 5252 BALBOA ARMS DR 175, SAN DIEGO, CA 92117-4949 | 92117-4949 | ... | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
29 rows × 13 columns
There are many ways of handling missing values, which we'll cover in an entire lecture next week. But a good first step is to check how many there are!
Data cleaning: Transformations and timestamps¶
Transformations and timestamps¶
From last class:
A transformation results from performing some operation on every element in a sequence, e.g. a Series.
It's often useful to look at ways of transforming your data to make it easier to work with.
Type conversions (e.g. changing the string
to the number2.99
).Unit conversion (e.g. feet to meters).
Extraction (Getting
out of'Vermin Violation Recorded on 10/10/2023'
Creating timestamps¶
Most commonly, we'll parse dates into pd.Timestamp
# Look at the dtype!
0 2023-02-16 1 2022-01-03 2 2020-12-03 ... 5176 2023-03-06 5177 2022-12-09 5178 2022-11-30 Name: date, Length: 5179, dtype: object
# This magical string tells Python what format the date is in.
# For more info:
date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
pd.to_datetime(insp['date'], format=date_format)
0 2023-02-16 1 2022-01-03 2 2020-12-03 ... 5176 2023-03-06 5177 2022-12-09 5178 2022-11-30 Name: date, Length: 5179, dtype: datetime64[ns]
# Another advantage of defining functions is that we can reuse this function
# for the 'opened_date' column in `rest` if we wanted to.
def parse_dates(insp, col):
date_format = '%Y-%m-%d'
dates = pd.to_datetime(insp[col], format=date_format)
return insp.assign(**{col: dates})
insp = (
.pipe(parse_dates, 'date')
# We should also remake df, since it depends on insp.
# Note that the new insp is used to create df!
df = merge_all_restaurant_data()
# Look at the dtype now!
0 2023-02-16 1 2022-01-03 2 2020-12-03 ... 8728 2022-11-30 8729 2022-11-30 8730 2022-11-30 Name: date, Length: 8731, dtype: datetime64[ns]
Working with timestamps¶
- We often want to adjust granularity of timestamps to see overall trends, or seasonality.
- Use the
method inpandas
(documentation).- Think of it like a version of
, but for timestamps. - For instance,
insp.resample('2W', on='date')
separates every two weeks of data into a different group.
- Think of it like a version of
insp.resample('2W', on='date')['score'].mean()
date 2020-01-05 42.67 2020-01-19 59.33 2020-02-02 56.34 ... 2023-09-24 66.60 2023-10-08 59.58 2023-10-22 66.81 Freq: 2W-SUN, Name: score, Length: 100, dtype: float64
# Where are those numbers coming from?
(insp['date'] >= pd.Timestamp('2020-01-05')) &
(insp['date'] < pd.Timestamp('2020-01-19'))
10 0 11 92 12 0 ... 4709 0 4988 100 5107 96 Name: score, Length: 86, dtype: int64
(insp.resample('2W', on='date')
.plot(title='Number of Inspections Over Time')
The .dt
Like with Series of strings, pandas
has a .dt
accessor for properties of timestamps (documentation).
0 2023-02-16 1 2022-01-03 2 2020-12-03 ... 5176 2023-03-06 5177 2022-12-09 5178 2022-11-30 Name: date, Length: 5179, dtype: datetime64[ns]
0 16 1 3 2 3 .. 5176 6 5177 9 5178 30 Name: date, Length: 5179, dtype: int32
0 3 1 0 2 3 .. 5176 0 5177 4 5178 2 Name: date, Length: 5179, dtype: int32
dow_counts = insp['date'].dt.dayofweek.value_counts()
fig =
fig.update_xaxes(tickvals=np.arange(7), ticktext=['Mon', 'Tues', 'Wed', 'Thurs', 'Fri', 'Sat', 'Sun'])
Data cleaning: Modifying structure¶
Reshaping DataFrames¶
We often reshape the DataFrame's structure to make it more convenient for analysis. For example, we can:
Simplify structure by removing columns or taking a set of rows for a particular period of time or geographic area.
- We already did this!
Adjust granularity by aggregating rows together.
- To do this, use
, if working with timestamps).
- To do this, use
Reshape structure, most commonly by using the DataFrame
method to un-pivot a dataframe.
Using melt
- The
method is common enough that we'll give it a special mention. - We'll often encounter pivot tables (esp. from government data), which we call wide data.
- The methods we've introduced work better with long-form data, or tidy data.
- To go from wide to long,
Example usage of melt
wide_example = pd.DataFrame({
'Year': [2001, 2002],
'Jan': [10, 130],
'Feb': [20, 200],
'Mar': [30, 340]
Jan | Feb | Mar | |
Year | |||
2001 | 10 | 20 | 30 |
2002 | 130 | 200 | 340 |
variable | value | |
Year | ||
2001 | Jan | 10 |
2002 | Jan | 130 |
2001 | Feb | 20 |
2002 | Feb | 200 |
2001 | Mar | 30 |
2002 | Mar | 340 |
Question 🤔 (Answer at
Code: qs
What questions do you want me to try and answer with the data? I'll start with a single pre-prepared question, and then answer student questions until we run out of time.
Example question: Can we rank restaurants by their number of violations? How about separately for each zip code?¶
And why would we want to do that? 🤔
Summary, next time¶
- Data cleaning is a necessary starting step in data analysis. There are four pillars of data cleaning:
- Quality checks.
- Missing values.
- Transformations and timestamps.
- Modifying structure.
- Approach EDA with an open mind, and draw lots of visualizations.
Next time¶
Hypothesis and permutation testing. Some of this will be DSC 10 review, but we'll also push further!