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Series Methods

Methods that can be performed on a Series.


Returns the number of non-NA/null observations in the Series.

Returns the maximum of the values in the Series.

Returns the minimum of the values in the Series.

Returns the sum of the values in the Series.

Returns the mean of the values in the Series.

Returns the median of the values in the Series.

Returns the unique values in the Series.


Splits each string element in the Series from the beginning, at the specified seperator/delimiter string.

Removes the specified character from each string in the Series from left and right sides.

Converts strings in the Series to lowercase.

Converts strings in the Series to uppercase.

Capitalizes the first character in of every element in the Series.

Converts strings in the Series to title case.

Substitutes all old strings with the new string for every element of the Series.

Counts the number of characters in the Series for each element.

Tests if a substring is contained within each element of the Series.

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