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Statistical Inference

Assumption: Assume that df is a DataFrame, ser is a Series, arr is an array, and we already run import babypandas as bpd and import numpy as np.

This section provides explanations and code implementations of theories covered in DSC 10. For examples in this section, refer to the full_pets DataFrame, which has more data than pets DataFrame (which is used in the Documentation section).

0dog_001dogblack405False There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.
1cat_001catgolden1.50.2TrueMy best birthday present ever!!!
2cat_002catblack159True****All you need is love and a cat.****
3dog_002dogwhite802FalseLove is a wet nose and a wagging tail.
4dog_003dogblack250.5FalseBe the person your dog thinks you are.
5ham_001hamsterblack13FalseNo, thank you!
6ham_002hamstergolden0.250.2FalseNo, thank you!
7cat_003catblack100TrueNo, thank you!
8dog_004dogblack456.7FalseNo, thank you!
9dog_005dogwhite107FalseNo, thank you!
10dog_006doggolden354FalseNo, thank you!
11cat_004catblack101.2TrueNo, thank you!
12cat_005catwhite152.5TrueNo, thank you!
13ham_003hamsterblack0.50.1FalseNo, thank you!
14dog_007dogwhite506.1FalseNo, thank you!
15ham_004hamstergolden0.250.2FalseNo, thank you!
16dog_008dogblack405FalseNo, thank you!
17dog_009dogwhite304.8FalseNo, thank you!
18cat_006catblack30.5TrueNo, thank you!

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