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df.merge(right, on=column, left_on=left_column, right_on=right_column, left_index=False, right_index=False)

Merges two DataFrames by specified columns or indexes.

right : DataFrame
DataFrame to merge df with.
on : label or list
Column or index names to join on.
left_on : label, list, or array-like
Column or index names to join on in df.
right_on : label, list, or array-like
Column or index names to join on in the right DataFrame.
left_index : boolean, default False
Use index from left DataFrame as join key(s).
right_index : boolean, default False
Use index from right DataFrame as join key(s).
A new DataFrame with the two DataFrames merged on the specified input combinations.
Return Type:
  • The number of columns merged on the left and right DataFrames must be the same.
  • left_on and left_index cannot happen at the same time. Same as right_on and right_index.

The diagrams below are two visualizations of how merge works albeit with different datasets from the main one we use here on bpd reference. For additional helpful visual guides, please visit the Diagrams site.

pets_info = bpd.DataFrame().assign(
Pet_ID=['dog_001', 'cat_001', 'cat_002', 'dog_002', 'dog_003', 'ham_001'],
Breed=['Labrador', 'Sphinx', 'Siamese', 'Chihuahua', 'Labrador', 'Roborovski'],
Owner=['Jason', 'Lauren', 'Cassidy', 'Bobby', 'Dhruv', 'Cassidy']
pets.merge(pets_info, left_on='ID', right_on='Pet_ID')
0dog_001dogblack405False There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.dog_001LabradorJason
1cat_001catgolden1.50.2TrueMy best birthday present ever!!!cat_001SphinxLauren
2cat_002catblack159True****All you need is love and a cat.****cat_002SiameseCassidy
3dog_002dogwhite802FalseLove is a wet nose and a wagging tail.dog_002ChihuahuaBobby
4dog_003dogblack250.5FalseBe the person your dog thinks you are.dog_003LabradorDhruv
5ham_001hamsterblack13FalseNo, thank you!ham_001RoborovskiCassidy
pets_info = pets_info.set_index('Pet_ID')
pets.merge(pets_info, left_on='ID', right_index=True)
0dog_001dogblack405False There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.LabradorJason
1cat_001catgolden1.50.2TrueMy best birthday present ever!!!SphinxLauren
2cat_002catblack159True****All you need is love and a cat.****SiameseCassidy
3dog_002dogwhite802FalseLove is a wet nose and a wagging tail.ChihuahuaBobby
4dog_003dogblack250.5FalseBe the person your dog thinks you are.LabradorDhruv
5ham_001hamsterblack13FalseNo, thank you!RoborovskiCassidy
pets_info2 = pets_info.assign(ID = pets_info.index)
pets.merge(pets_info2, on='ID')
0dog_001dogblack405False There are no bad dogs, only bad owners.LabradorJason
1cat_001catgolden1.50.2TrueMy best birthday present ever!!!SphinxLauren
2cat_002catblack159True****All you need is love and a cat.****SiameseCassidy
3dog_002dogwhite802FalseLove is a wet nose and a wagging tail.ChihuahuaBobby
4dog_003dogblack250.5FalseBe the person your dog thinks you are.LabradorDhruv
5ham_001hamsterblack13FalseNo, thank you!RoborovskiCassidy

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